Construction sector update: key developments
Minister for Finance signs three Statutory Instruments to complete the transposition of the IFD and IFR into Irish law
Service of proceedings via NFT on the blockchain - the future?
Client Asset Rules Finalised
Central Bank of Ireland Provides Guidance on Taxonomy Regulation Compliance and Filings
Central Bank of Ireland Clarifies Fund Authorisation Procedures
Council of the EU Sets Out its Position on AIFMD Review
ESMA Findings on Costs and Fees CSA
Fund Management Companies Prepare for August Deadline
Central Bank of Ireland Guidance on Use of Side Pockets by UCITS
ESAs Seek to Clarify Draft Regulatory Technical Standards under the SFDR
Intragroup OTC Derivatives Exemption
ICMA Analysis of Proposed Green Bond Regulation
New Notification Obligation For Irish Entities Investing In Certain Non-EU Debt
Consumer representative actions take shape – but who will pay?
New Corporate Enforcement Authority Takes its Place
Stablecoins - What are they and what is the law in Ireland?
Ireland Adopts New IVDR Enforcement Measures
CCPC Investigation leads to charges for fourteen people involved in School Bus Transport Cartel
ESMA Report on CSDR Settlement Discipline