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Matheson Advises on One Peak Partners investment in Shine Analytics Limited trading as Brightflag

AUTHORs: Brian McCloskey co-author(s): Sandra Lord Services: Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions  DATE: 16/12/2020

A Matheson team led by corporate partner Brian McCloskey and senior associate Sandra Lord, is delighted to have advised, alongside Proskauer Rose LLP, One Peak Partners on its equity investment in Shine Analytics Limited trading as Brightflag.  One Peak Partners is a growth stage private equity firm based in London with a focus on investing in growth stage technology and tech-enabled companies.  Brightflag is an Irish-headquartered legal spend management software developer. Partnering with One Peak Partners will strengthen Brightflag’s market position and enable Brightflag to expand its international footprint while accelerating product innovation.


Speaking today, Brian McCloskey commented:

“We are delighted to have worked with One Peak Partners on its investment in Brightflag.  We have seen over the course of 2020 the increased importance of both domestic and international private equity sponsors as a source of capital to develop already successful Irish businesses, a trend we fully expect to continue into 2021”

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